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Precision CNC Machining
The CNC Machining process is more precise than manual machining, and can be repeated in exactly the same manner over and over again.
Because of the precision possible with CNC Machining, this process can produce complex shapes that would be almost impossible to achieve with manual machining.
CNC Machining is used in the production of many complex three-dimensional shapes.
Because of the accuracy, close tolerances and repeatability, CNC Machining is used in jobs that need a high level of precision or very repetitive tasks.
Materials for CNC Machining:
- Steel / Stainless Steel / Steel Alloys
- Aluminum / Aluminum Alloys
- Brass
- Bronze
- Copper
- Titanium
- Die Castings
- Plastics
Advantages of CNC Machining:
- Lower Costs on Labor & Materials
- Speed of Production
- Complex Shapes Easily Achieved
- Increased Accuracy
- Part Consistency
- Tight Tolerances: +/- .0001″
- Rapid Protyping
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