MES is proud to announce the launch this month of our first White Paper, called “China vs. India. A Sourcing Experience”. The White Paper Series is meant to share with our stakeholders some of the lessons learned and pain points from our vast global sourcing and supply chain management experience.
“China vs. India. A Sourcing Experience” answers some of the questions from our clients who have difficulties in modelling their global sourcing strategies, and deals with the tradeoffs they have to make in terms of price, quality and lead times. The slowdown of the Chinese economy and the critiques of India’s inefficiencies are deterring companies from pursuing sourcing in China and India. Our analysis comes to show that the two Asian countries remain, for the medium term, the manufacturing engine of the world economy and the best solution for most of our clients’ needs.
MES plans to roll out a White Paper every month starting next year on topics of utmost interest to our stakeholders, including: